Transcription software for students

Save time with automatic transcription

Any audio & video format accepted
+30 languages covered
How much does it cost?
Audiotype transcription service for students is one of the most cost-effective solutions on the market. With its user-friendly interface, students can quickly and easily customize their audio transcription for a fraction of the cost of other more expensive transcription services. Audiotype transcription service for students is the most cost-effective way for students to get their work done quickly and accurately.
Quick & Easy
Free trial
No account required
Upload multiple files
Export text format
Save hours of time
Why Audiotype is the best transcription software for students?
Accessible pricing
Quick & easy to use
Straight to the point
What they think about our software
Like you, many students already use Audiotype to transcribe media files into text.

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Audiotype ⓒ